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United States Capitol Building
East Capitol St. NE & First St. SE
Washington, DC 20004
Citizen and Taxpayer Petition to the United States Congress Protect the Hyde Amendment/Defund Racist Planned Parenthood
Whereas the Hyde Amendment bars tax dollars being spent directly on elective abortions, which protects pro-life taxpayers from being complicit in enabling abortion with their tax dollars.
Whereas some 57% of Americans support the Hyde Amendment.
Whereas the Hyde Amendment protects religious liberty and freedom of conscience.
Whereas the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, has located 79% of its facilities within walking distance of neighborhoods with larger proportions of minority women, obviously with the racist aim of reaching women of color.
Whereas racist Planned Parenthood hides the percentage of minorities using its services, increasing suspicion they target minorities.
Whereas since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, abortion has ended the lives of an estimated 20 million black babies. That is more than the nation’s black population of 1960, which the U.S. Census numbered at 18,871,831 citizens.
Whereas abortion advocates now support infanticide via late-term or even day of birth abortions, which is unconscionable for most Americans.
Whereas a YouGov poll released in February of 2019, found that among all adults surveyed, a stunning 79% majority apposed late-term abortion while 80% are against abortion the day before birth.
Therefore, we the undersigned citizens and taxpayers do hereby affirm our support for the Hyde Amendment and its prohibition against tax dollars being spent on abortions.
Since money is fungible, we also urge Congress to stop all tax dollars from funding any other expenses of abortion providers, such as racist Planned Parenthood, as taxpayer funding of abortion clinic overhead indirectly frees up other money for abortion.

*INSTRUCTIONS: Sign and submit. We will bundle with tens of thousands of others and send to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding they table (prevent) any attempt by Members of Congress to offer legislation to repeal (kill) the Hyde Amendment. Background: The Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. Before the Hyde Amendment took effect, an estimated 300,000 abortions were performed annually using taxpayer funds.

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